
Energy Arbitrage Potential of a 7 kWh Battery for an average German Household Part 2

In the last post there was no data about the energy delivered by the PV field and how it is split between battery, direct use and grid. Fortunately this is an omission that is rather easily remedied. The charts below show how energy is distributed over the year. The small difference in the battery consumption is the result of a slight variation in the consumption due to the random number generator in the LPG.

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Energy Arbitrage Potential of a 7 kWh Battery for an average German Household

Due to the release of a certain battery by Tesla, there has been a lot of discussions about the potential for profit using the battery. Since German electricity prices are extremely high, many think that Germans would be a perfect target market. This is largely true, but unfortunately Germans are pretty frugal with electricity. Average energy consumption is around 3000-4000 kWh / householdĀ / year, which works out to 8-11 kWh/day.

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